IFMR History
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The Formation of the IFMR |
Written by Tony Moyle - IFMR Founding Member (Australia Chapter) | The Rotary Club of Loxton, District 9520 in South Australia, sponsored the formation of the International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians. Rotary Club of Loxton members David Ingerson and Tony Moyle were the inaugural Chairman and Secretary of the new IFMR respectively. read more... |
Membership Growth |
Written by Tony Moyle - IFMR Founding Member (Australia Chapter) | Once the IFMR was granted official recognition by Rotary International, the first task was to ensure that the different groups of Rotarians who had been riding together, joined the Fellowship, and contributed to its development. This was a challenge, as most motorcyclists tend to like to do their own thing, and not be too regimented. Add to this the fact that most Rotarians are busy men, and just for good measure throw in all the different personalities. To complicate things even more, English was not the first language for many, and some did not speak it at all! read more... |
Our First World Convention |
Written by Tony Moyle - IFMR Founding Member (Australia Chapter) | With the 1993 Rotary World Convention being held in Melbourne between May 23rd and 26th, there was much activity in the IFMR in Australia during that year. As early as Xmas 92, personal contacts were made with Melbourne Rotacylists, and the seeds for manning a Fellowship Booth at the Convention, a motorcycle ride, and a Fellowship Dinner were sown. read more... |
World Convention - Melbourne |
Written by Tony Moyle - IFMR Founding Member (Australia Chapter) | The Rotary International World Convention - Melbourne May 1993. read more... |